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Success in Competitive Exams

Date: 29/07/2023

Success in competitive exams depends on various factors, and while I can offer some general advice, keep in mind that individual experiences may vary. Here are some tips to improve your chances of success in competitive exams:

  1. Create a Study Plan: Develop a well-structured study plan that covers all the topics within the available time. Allocate more time to areas you find challenging while ensuring you review the previously covered material.

  2. Understand the Exam Format: Familiarize yourself with the exam pattern, syllabus, and marking scheme. This will help you know what to expect and plan your preparation accordingly.

  3. Study Material: Choose the right study material and resources. Textbooks, online courses, and practice papers from reputable sources can be invaluable.

  4. Time Management: Practice time management during preparation and the actual exam. Divide your time wisely among different sections or subjects, and aim to finish the exam within the allocated time.

  5. Practice Regularly: Consistent practice is key to success. Solve previous years' question papers and take mock tests to gauge your performance and identify weak areas.

  6. Stay Healthy: Take care of your physical and mental health. Ensure you get enough rest, exercise, and eat well. A healthy mind and body contribute to better concentration and memory.

  7. Stay Positive and Motivated: Maintain a positive attitude and stay motivated throughout your preparation journey. Surround yourself with supportive friends and family who encourage you.

  8. Revision: Regularly revise what you have studied to reinforce your learning. Revision helps in better retention and recall during the exam.

  9. Stay Informed: Keep yourself updated on current affairs and developments related to the exam's subject matter. For exams with a general awareness section, this is crucial.

  10. Avoid Last-Minute Stress: Avoid cramming right before the exam. Instead, take some time to relax and stay calm. Trust your preparation and go into the exam hall with a clear mind.

  11. Mock Interviews : If the competitive exam involves an interview round, practice mock interviews to improve your communication skills and confidence.

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RPA & Digital Transformation

Date: 14/07/2022

The Role of RPA in Digital Transformation

In the current digital age, utilizing digital technologies, increasing capabilities, and altering customer relationships, operational procedures, sales, and service are all part of the digital transformation. 

Robotic Process Automation (RPA) can catalyze successful digital transformation by automating tedious, repetitive, and time-consuming processes. It frees human resources from doing tiresome manual labor so they can concentrate more on the critical aspects of the company. 

RPA services increase across industries and have many advantages for businesses. These include lower costs, improved operations, fewer bugs or errors, better customer experiences, better management, and control, and higher ROI.

RPA & Digital Transformation

In addition to altering how we communicate, use and create information, the digital revolution is also changing how we conduct business. Businesses now have many new opportunities to operate more profitably, effectively, and efficiently thanks to digital technologies. 

The convergence of three significant trends, including digital transformation, new business models, and RPA, is transforming the way we work.

Every industry has experienced a different rate of digital transformation. It is changing how we conduct business and employees interact with their clients. Banking, healthcare, manufacturing, and retail firms have already started the digital transformation.

The businesses that use technology to enhance customer experiences, maximize marketing budgets, and deliver the services customers want are the best at digital transformation. To understand how RPA Tools enables digital transformation and take the first step toward implementing these insights into your business, you’ll need a working understanding of both ideas and their roles.

How RPA & Digital Transformation Work Together?

Robotic process automation tools can carry out tasks that employees usually do, from straightforward copying and pasting to complex bank reconciliations and invoicing. 

RPA services can help organizations achieve digital transformation by enhancing business performance. As a result, they can function within systems like ERP, CRM, and others. This enables companies to free up resources and shift them to higher-valued tasks like customer service, marketing, and sales, improving customer satisfaction and retaining customers.

Key parameters to consider while leveraging RPA for Digital Transformation

The simplicity of RPA’s implementation is one of the reasons businesses value it. Automating the fundamental tasks does not require years of experience; a rank novice only needs a few hours of training to accomplish the same. Digital transformation, however, involves more than just automating some simple tasks.

Businesses must take into account the following parameters or factors when implementing RPA for digital transformation:

Strategic Alignment 

The goals of an RPA program should be in line with the overall strategy for digital transformation. As an illustration, the RPA framework should include workflows or processes that can affect the customer experience if an enterprise wants to enhance the customer experience for its goods and services.

Any RPA program should align with digital transformation’s demands to ensure management focus and resource scaling when necessary.

Process Ability

Running their programs in a reliable and stable process environment is simple for RPA services. This is so that RPA execution won’t be messed up by any changes to the application or processes. 

RPA shouldn’t be used in systems and processes that are preparing for a quick digital transformation, according to businesses. Therefore, you should conduct a thorough evaluation of RPA’s suitability for the roadmap for digital transformation.


Stakeholders must plan to scale the automation activities in light of the overall digital transformation journey for RPA implementation to be successful. Scaling up RPA bots and making them effective will be difficult without planning and buy-in from stakeholders. 

Even though RPA is renowned for its simplicity in scaling, it might not succeed without the support of a sizable fleet of bots and direction from management and other stakeholders.

Change Management

RPA deployments frequently fall short because of poor planning and ineffective change management. It may result in new working methods, especially for staff members accustomed to performing their duties in a particular manner. Remember that any modification to an employee’s daily tasks can cause confusion and anxiety, frequently resulting in resistance.

RPA initiatives should thus be coupled with appropriate cultural transformation to facilitate such change management effortlessly. Transparent communication encourages people to adopt a new working style, approach, or scope.

Focused Approach

Robotic process automation services should not be an afterthought but an essential part of enabling digital transformation. The proper focus and ongoing support are crucial for developing a successful digital transformation strategy. A solid governance model, qualified resources, an appropriate control framework, well-defined process management plans, and RPA deployment should all be successful.

Financial Impact

The ability to reduce operational costs is one of the main advantages of achieving digital transformation. Calculate the cost savings over a year and five that would result from automating tedious and repetitive tasks while shifting staff to other critical processes.


RPA-enabled digital transformation framework is widely used globally across many functions and industries. RPA tools may assist in resolving issues such as managing a high volume of claims, operating a high volume of small value purchase orders, or managing a large volume of transactions while promoting digital transformation.

Referance taken from ONPASSIVE


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Digital Transformation

Date: 10/07/2022

Process Improvement and Digital Transformation

Before jumping into Which Process improvement stack to be adopted first , lets go through terminology and key features in context of Process improvement .

Digital Process Management  ( DPA  )

Automate manual tasks within a business process. The method builds on traditional Business Process Management (BPM) to help businesses transform end-to-end processes and deliver enterprise-wide digital transformation .


•Design – Break the process down into multiple tasks .

•Model – Model it using suitable BPMN software

•Execute – Execute the process , or put a system in place

•Monitor – Monitor and analyse the system .

•Optimize – Make changes to the process to improve it

Robotic Process Management  ( RPA  )

Automation technology based on metaphorical software robots / digital workers. It is sometimes referred to as software robotics.


•Gather - Understand current state and make capabilities

•Analyse - Create a business case and refine target state (if required)

•Design - Determine capability target state

•Execute - Identify all determinants and map path

•Improvise - Execute against mapped path

Business Process Automation  ( BPA  )

Business process automation, also known as business automation or digital transformation, is the technology-enabled automation of complex business processes. It can streamline a business for simplicity, achieve digital transformation, increase service quality, improve service delivery or contain costs.


•Align on the way – Define the business values of digital transformation.

•Prepare for culture change – Put humans at the hearts of digital transformation

•Start small but strategic  -- Jump-start digital transformation with an impactful, measurable initiative.

•Map out technology  - Choose tech solutions that scale with your long-term strategy .

•Seek out partners & expertise – Do more and do it faster – with partners that share in your vision

•Gather feedback & refine --  Be flexible learn from experience and adjust accordingly.

•Scale & transform – New ways to improve will emerge – embrace them .

Artificial Intelligence (AI)

Machines are now able to analyse vast quantities of data and make predictions or make correct guesses about the information being analysed. AI is a broad term that encompasses Machine Learning and Deep Learning. The main point being, computers can offer us cognitive functions such as understanding what we say (NLP), recognising what we show it (Image recognition) and more.

Intelligent Process Automation (IPA)

Refers to the application of Artificial Intelligence and related new technologies, including Computer Vision, Cognitive automation and Machine Learning to Robotic Process Automation.

Intelligent Process Automation = RPA + AI

Intelligent Workflow

A workflow is a series of activities that are necessary to complete a task .

Intelligent workflows increase the visibility, flexibility, agility, value and efficacy of these tasks by adding  like AI and automation .

The benefits and ROI are really significant, even exponential. You’re decreasing operating costs by 40% to 70% within six months as per market survey .

Some of the UC

1)Fraud detection mechanisms –

2)Supply chain management system –

1)visibility challenges

2)Allocation challenges

3)And any UC combination of Blockchain and BPM is a candidate for IW e.g – Payments B2B, Tax filing and collections. Gov (Copyrights , Vehicle registrations) .

Scenario's for transformation & technology footprint .  

A) Organizational currently not having defined process steps, lack of measuring SLA & TAT technique , no E2E orchestration tool , in this scenario start with DPA – please refer slide 2.

B) There could be another scenario where system is already deployed & structure input / output defined e.g invoice , reports etc and lot many manual work is happening which could easily be replaced by digital workers . start with RPA – please refer slide 2 .

C) Some organizational may already have some maturity level where BPA = (DPA + RPA) is applicable slide 3.

D) Now buzzword IPA –Intelligent Process Automation (IPA) refer to Artificial Intelligence and related new technologies, including Computer Vision, Cognitive automation and Machine Learning to Robotic Process Automation IPA  = RPA + AI

E) Intelligent Workflow IW – Organisation must have some maturity level defined process , some automation may be in place using RPA / Scripting .

In nutshell IW =  BPA + IPA

Note - for any transformation / process improvement the selection of tool & technology depends on organizational maturity level mostly measured in (CMMI Level) .

Few questions may pop-up – Does this technology / approach replace each other ?

These technologies are not mutually exclusive , you may find some overlap between them and step as market and technology evolve there are shift between them it’s a Continuous Improvement .

another question may pop-up Whats NEXT ? Experience-Led Transformation .

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Internship & Live project

Date: 09/07/2022

*We are Offering Internship on Live Project *

1) Full Stack Development - MEAN , JAVA , Python 
2) Cloud - AWS , Azure , IBM , Google 
3) Digital Transformation Project - BPM , RPA 

Fullstck Projects  - 

Larnr Education - Online Education Portal

SportsVisio Mobile Application - AI Based Recommendation

AudioFly - A Online Audio Playing Portal

Pandeetji Website Portal - Online Pandeetji Service

E-commerce Full Stack (electronic commerce) is the buying and selling of goods and services, or the transmitting of funds or data, over an electronic network, primarily the internet. These business transactions occur either as business-to-business (B2B), business-to-consumer (B2C), consumer-to-consumer or consumer-to-business.

Online course Full Stack - , is any course taught online instead of in-person. Many ecourses are pre-recorded, but can also include many other components that create an engaging learning experience outside of a traditional classroom environment: Live online sessions

Cloud Use Case Lab Sessions 


Digital Transformation Project -

RPA Projects 

1) Automated Customer Support Emails (with Instructions)
2) Data Migration and Entry
3) Customer Onboarding
4) Invoice Creation

BPM Projects

Account Opening
With BPM, the time needed for approval for account openings has decreased from days to minutes. The automated and consistent process dramatically decreased account abandonment rates, and increased customer satisfaction. We also have experienced an increase in new applications and significant reduction in operational costs.

Capital Expenditures
Integrating a mobile application and streamlining the workflow for capital expense approvals has allowed us to cut off days from the approval process. It also has provided critical visibility into what part of the process the documents are in.

Claims Management
With BPM, we now have the process visibility and control needed to guarantee that the right contractor is assigned, that the repair workflow proceeds smoothly, that service quality meets our high standards, and that proper internal and customer reporting occurs at every stage.

Compliance and Risk Management
Use BPM to document processes according to industry-specified frameworks, assign control tests, identify risks and raise and track issues. By consolidating all audit information in a single, web-based interface, BPM allows us to effectively manage financial risk and ensure compliance.

Healthcare & Insurance
In an effort to provide health insurance coverage options across the country, a case management system was needed that could handle tasks including the intake, routing, review, and troubleshooting of applications submitted through the mail for enrollment.

Loan Origination
In a short period, our entire loan origination system moved from a paper-based system to a completely automated one. Before, our employees spent time and resources filling out paper-based forms and printing and assembling binders for clients.

Lease Management
Property Records allow employees to track property data and view its history to take knowledgeable action when needed. It completely eliminated the need for spreadsheets being managed manually, improving data integrity.


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How Today's Corporate Meeting Planner important 10 Keys

Date: 25/06/2022

Many organizations, including not - for - profits, businesses, civic and government groups, realize the need to include meetings, as part of their overall programing, etc. While some do so professionally, and effectively, many others seem to use a far less effective approach, and often net far lesser results than desired. An organization must delegate much of the responsibility for getting this achieved successfully to an individual, or individuals, with the knowledge, experience, capabilities, assets, skills and attitude, to be a true leader, in this component! In order to do so, this article will examine 10 keys, in terms of how today's meeting planners, must focus, and proceed.


1. Think on your feet: Select someone who is capable of expanding his comfort zone, and considering alternatives, and genuine knowledge and wisdom. One must be proactive, and willing to make adjustments, on the fly, viewing obstacles as challenges to overcome, rather than problems!

2. Greener meetings: At one time, few individuals thought much about the environmental impacts of things, while today, nearly every supermarket devotes aisles to natural and green products. Emphasize the green aspects of your meeting to potential attendees, as a selling point!

3. Get feedback from others: While many use post - event surveys, etc, one rarely is certain of the quality of the feedback. How can you know the value, if you don't know if the individual has the background or knowledge, to accurately evaluate it? Make a point of speaking to event regulars, as well as former attendees. Include a thorough discussion with vendors, also, so you can take advantage of their knowledge, expertise and perspective.

4. Escape from your comfort zone: Don't get stuck in the rut, of merely doing the same - old, same - old. Use those time - tested, positive approaches and nuances, but seek to always get better, and more relevant.

5. Use trustworthy vendors and venues: No matter how well you might plan and/ or negotiate, you will still be, at least partially, dependent upon your vendors and venues, to live up to their promises, and part of the bargain. Investigate those you will do business with, by speaking to their former customers, etc. Your vendors and venues will either help you shine, or sink your ship!

6. Be organized and clear: How will you assure your check - in/ registration process runs smoothly? You must have a list and responsibilities assigned, and prepared, for each component! When you delegate, be sure, each individual fully understands, and is prepared, to assume his responsibilities!

7. Get attendees to help you market: Ask your attendees to take pictures and share them, to Social Media. Assign a specific hash tag, to the event. Encourage this activity by offering some sort of prize, award, or recognition.

8. Know your group, and site: What is unique about your organization, and what do potential attendees, expect, desire and prioritize? Will they consider the event worthwhile, because they perceive value? How will you assure they do? What are the strengths and weaknesses of the specific venue, and how can you best utilize the strong - points, while minimizing the weaker ones? Be proactive!

9. Use creative solutions: Think outside the box! What can you do, to reduce expenses, while not affecting quality and/ or perceptions? How can you be better prepared? What might you do, to reduce the cost of supplies, etc? Might any of the vendors, also be willing to sponsor other aspects of the event?

10. Use metrics to measure your effectiveness: How will you determine how you've done, so you might address areas of weakness, and improve in the future? Remember, metrics are only as valuable, as the quality (or lack of) of the data/ information collected!

Professional meeting planners (and/ or event planners) use a time - tested, step - by - step approach, to make sure they've touched all the bases, and enhance their chance to deliver a quality result! Use these 10 steps to get closer to consistently producing better events, and results!

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